Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Meaning of Colours of Flowers

Flowers are said to be the nicest of things to have ever happened to mankind. Adding to the happiness, they happen to occur in different colours. But the hidden meaning behind this fact is that every colour in which a flower is available has a meaning, a deep connect attached to it. The blue flowers are said to be the embodiment of tranquillity, harmony, serenity, brotherhood, confidence and honesty. Flowers that are really blue are very rare to find and often very precious. Gifting somebody a blue flower has a very deep meaning and is said to be a gesture of brotherhood. The green flowers are said to be the epitome of good luck and those coming with emerald leaves, apple tinted blossoms and chartreuse stems are supposed to represent a zest for love which is a reflection of harmony. The orange flowers are supposed to represent flamboyance and convey a lot of confidence. They are also said to strengthen kinship. People usually gift these flowers when they have to discuss ideas.

The pink flowers are said to exemplify beginnings, commencements and gentle passions. Pink is the colour of youth, sweetness and emotional maturity. Different shades of pink have different meanings, the pale pink being for feminine energy and emotional energy and the bright pink being for friendship and cheeky romance. The red coloured flowers are supposed to be the strongest impersonation of emotions with the attached emotions being passionate, intense and dangerous. They look magnificence personified, quite impulsive and have a thick pulse. They are also idyllic for seducing someone. The white coloured flower is said to represent the circle of life. Times like birth, demise, purity, unionism and innocence are conveyed through white flowers. When given to someone, they are considered to a mark of respect.

The yellow flowers exemplify hope and happiness and are given as a token of courage and cheerfulness. All these flowers come with their own symbolic meaning and are a representation of various emotions connected with the essence of humans and relationships. The colours are a syndication of the feelings that someone wants to convey and an impersonation of the ones that somebody might even try to camouflage. They represent a gesture that might have to do with any of the human virtues and symbolize the sentiment behind it.

People across the world gift these flowers depending on the occasion and the gesture they want to convey. One of the biggest faux pas that can be committed is gifting the wrong coloured flower on the wrong occasion which will eventually convey the wrong emotion. The colour combinations have to be handled very delicately else there might be a big confusion, which ultimately nobody wants. So, you know the colours of the flower that has to be chosen next time when you think of gifting a loved one a flower. Read this blog and choose the flower, else you might stand the risk of getting yourself terrible embarrassed!

Get your act right away!

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